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3 self-help books by Indian authors that will help you live a happier life

The world is a complex and challenging place, and many people are looking for ways to cope with stress, improve their relationships, and achieve their goals. People are increasingly looking for ways to improve their lives. Among these ways are self-help books, that offer a wealth of advice and guidance on how to do these things.

These books cover a wide range of topics, including spirituality, mindfulness, personal development, and happiness. They offer practical advice and insights that can help you improve your life.

Self-help books benefit readers from the insights and experiences of people who have already successfully navigated the challenges of life. Some authors are experts in their fields, while some books are written by people who have simply had personal experiences with the challenges that the book addresses. These books can also be helpful, but it is important to be aware that they may not be as credible as books written by experts.

These books can be a relatively inexpensive way to improve one’s life. The cost of a self-help book is often much lower than the cost of therapy or other forms of professional help.

In addition, the popularity of self-help books has also been boosted by the rise of social media. Platforms like Twitter and Instagram have made it easier for people to share their experiences with self-help books, which has helped to create a sense of community around the genre.

Let’s take a look at some self-help books by Indian authors that you can check out

Life’s Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das

Life’s Amazing Secrets is a self-help book by Gaur Gopal Das, a monk and a popular speaker on spirituality. His insights into the human condition are said to be profound as well as practical.

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The book is divided into four parts: Personal Life, Relationships, Work Life, and Social Contribution. In each part, Das offers insights and advice on how to live a happy and fulfilling life. The book has been praised for its clear and concise writing style, its practical advice, and its insights into the human condition. Some reviewers have also noted that the book is full of humor and wit, which makes it an enjoyable read.

Overall, Life’s Amazing Secrets is a well-written and insightful book that offers practical advice on how to live a happy and fulfilling life. It is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life.

My Gita by Devdutt Pattanaik

Written by one of India’s most popular mythologists Devdutt Pattnaik, My Gita is a philosophical and wise read. It’s also very practical, teaching readers how to find balance in their lives.

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My Gita is a unique and thought-provoking interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita. The book explores the Gita from a secular perspective, focusing on its universal themes of duty, action, and self-knowledge. In the book, Pattnaik does not attempt to provide a literal interpretation of the text but rather offers his own insights and perspectives. It is divided into 18 chapters of the epic saga Mahabharata, each of which focuses on a different theme from the Gita. Pattanaik begins by providing a brief overview of the text, before moving on to discuss the individual themes. He uses a variety of sources to support his arguments, including the Gita itself, other Hindu texts, and his own personal experiences.

One of the strengths of My Gita is Pattanaik’s ability to make the text accessible to a modern audience. He avoids using jargon or technical terms, and he often uses simple analogies to explain complex concepts. He also does a good job of weaving together the different themes of the Gita, showing how they are all interconnected.

The Peace Approach by Alok Tripathi

The Peace Approach delves into the pursuit of happiness. It is all about happiness and covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of happiness. It’s about 250 pages long, and has 31 distinct chapters, each exploring a sub-concept or daily practice. Tripathi has termed these daily practices as his “Peace Approaches”.

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In simple language and easy-to-understand concepts, the author not only introduces concepts in the chapters but also supports them with examples from his own life. This helps readers understand how to apply the concepts in practice. Additionally, the book goes beyond personal anecdotes and includes valuable life lessons and wisdom from esteemed individuals such as Swami Vivekananda, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Maharishi Aurobindo, and many others.

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